Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Time after Time

So as I get older I start to look at things a bit differently. I am not super old, hell I am not even 30, but I am at the age where I think you do have to think a lot about where you are in life, where you are going, and how you are getting there. In life we all see people from ever walk of life. I have begun more and more to think about how they got there. What I find I do now is think not just about where they are, but how that effects their kids.

Does where one is effect where ones children can go? I know there are always exceptions to the rule, but I really think it does. People in small towns generally stay their. People in poverty generally stay their. Again not always, but I think enough to consider it a pattern.

Now why am I saying this? where did this come from and what does it have to do with anything? Well I am writing character bios, and I think when you have characters that are going to be flat this is the pattern they stay. Your flat character is the norm. It is your depth main character that drives the story that changes everything, that bends the rules.

Now to bring it back to my life, I am tired of being flat. I want more, and I am ready to work for it.

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