Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am a dreamer

So, part of life is realizing who you really are, and this is not something new to me, but something I wanted to write about anyway. I am a dreamer. It is true. In all aspects of my life, I dare to dream. I dare to see myself as the Speilberg type person with the perfect family, and everything you could ever want in life.

It is why I have yet to really set a career goal in my life besides the almost unobtainable. All I want to do is make movies. If I could just make movies for the rest of my life, I would be very happy. The thought of doing something else makes me lazy and put my feet down and drag tail, like a dog being forced to go for a walk when it is raining odly enough cats and dogs. I am realizing that the best way to keep myself happy is to find something to make nough money with enough spare time I can do this.

In my personal life, I dream too, I think about the girl that I can't have and that I lust for, and litterally dream of. I picture in my head ways we could be together, and what we would say. I dream of how my life would be with this person.

In the end my entire life is a dream, and I am waiting to wake up, and still have a smile on my face from the wonderful dream I had.

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