Friday, December 17, 2010

Harry Potter and Hermione

So I have been watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on TV, and it has been making me think of what I was thinking when I first read the books. In this book one of the big themes is the relationships between the main characters and their feeling for each other.

Now I always liked the idea of Harry and Hermione together, yes I understood the reasons for them not being together being the theme of family for Harry, as he becomes a part of the Weasley family. Something he was always missing in his life.

But for me I always liked Harry and Hermione. Maybe because it was and I guess is what I always picture a good relationship as. Two people that are great friends at the core of their relationship. You go back and you see what both was willing to do for each other, and what they said when one of them needed someone. It was whet love should be.

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