Saturday, October 17, 2009

That last line

So I have all but finished my script for my latest film. I think it is actually pretty good, and I am pleased with how it as turned out, especially in the time I wrote and developed the idea. It is not a long script, but so much more thought had to go into this than a normal script this length.

This is the kind of film I would love to make for the rest of my life. A little slice of life. Yes these movies are generally about big moments, but they are moments that define a persons life. We all have these kinds of moments and they are what creates are real character.

So now all I need is a last line to finish the movie off. Here is not the most important line, but the one that will define the road this character goes in. Does she fall back into the grove she has been in? Or does she grow and go on to turn a new page? Does it become a happy ending a Sad ending or just an ending?

It is very cool to have one line that will do so much for a movie. It is also a little scary to write it. It is moments like these that define a lifetime.

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